“Too often the women were unsung and sometimes their contributions were unnoticed. But the achievements, leadership, courage, strength, and love of the women who built America was as vital as that of the men whose names we know so well.”
This message was from President Jim Carter in the event of declaring March 2-8, 1980 as the National Women’s History Week. However, unfortunately, his words— ‘Too often the women were unsung and sometimes their contributions were unnoticed’— somewhat ring true even decades later.
In spite of years of advocacy on gender rights by eminent men and women, the awareness around gender-inequality has merely amplified. The recent outbreak of Me-Too, the conversation surrounding pay disparity between men and women, and the recurring reports of rape and molestation indict that there’s long a way to go.
Today, whether we need a day—International Women’s Day on March 8—to celebrate and validate womanhood has become a matter of contention. However, the landscape was vastly different in 1987 when Congress officially declared March as Women’s History Month.
Pervs on Patrol – Women’s Favorite Series
Something all women love but won’t admit it in public – Pervs on Patrol series, where voyeur and sneaky way of approaching females is something so common. Watch Mofos crew trying their luck in peeking on girls and their beautiful bodies, all that leading only the one thing…
Recognizing The Female Gaze

Women’s History Month is not only about recognition but also about understanding the female gaze—seeing the world from her perspective and understand her issues. It is as much about celebrating her achievement as it is about acknowledging her vision.
And it has been a longstanding endeavor—history stands testament to the innumerable instances when women have expressed their voice, their desires, their ambitions, their being in this patriarchal existence (Read the Review of Men Explain Things to Me). Books and literature have been the most important medium in this case. From Mary Scott to Margaret Atwood, women have unabashedly penned down their voices.
Here’s a list of 5 must-read books for the Women’s History Month that celebrates the diverse voices of women.
1. I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings – Maya Angelou

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is Maya Angelou’s autobiography that narrates her struggle with racism and misogyny in her tender years (age 3-16) with her brother, and how their love for art and literature helped them to survive. The ‘Caged Bird’ is a metaphor to Angelou’s then state of mind that desperately longed for freedom. This is a story of hope and vigor that every woman, especially adolescents, should read.
2. Becoming – Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama’s memoir delves into her childhood—her upbringing in the south side of Chicago—and is an unabashed commentary on the murkiness of politics. Inspiring and moving, Obama candidly talks about finding her voice in this book. It provides intriguing insights into politics and into the life of a self-empowered lady.
3. This Will Be My Undoing: Living At The Intersection Of Black, Female, And Feminist In (White) America – Morgan Jerkins

This Will Be My Undoing is a collection of essays that navigates the life of a black woman in the United States. Although the book explores the resistance of Americans towards black people—a recurring theme in literature, it never comes across as a livid rant. Read this book to enlighten your perception and perspective towards colored-skin people battling racism.
4. The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood

Atwood is one of the most powerful voices in feminist-fiction. The Handmaid’s Tale is a dystopian tale that explores the oppression of women in a theocratic society. It’s gut-wrenching; as you immerse yourself in Atwood’s fictitious universe, you’ll realize how close it is to the reality.
5. Little Women – Louisa May Alcott

One of the most renowned classics, Little Women is a coming of age tale about four sisters and their metamorphosis to womanhood. Little Woman is an inspiring story that salutes and celebrates the emotional strength of a woman.